    • Sale!
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      • Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹500.00.
      • Bring the elegance of one of the most favorite and ancient roses of the world. Presenting you the SOUVENIR DE LA MALMAISON. It comes in baby pink color, has a complicated naval, globular bloom form and a strong fruity fragrance. The rose is easy to grow and disease resistant. Hybrid Tea, Climber Plant Age- 6 months Rarity Level- Very Rare
    • Vanessa Bell
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      • Vanessa Bell

      • 1,500.00
      • Hail the Beauty of the World's Most fragrant, gorgeous and free-flowering cup shaped lemon cream shaded Rose. This is undoubtedly the rarest gem, which we bring exclusively to you from our collection. The bush floribunda Vanessa Bell flowers at all times, offering cup shaped fragrant blooms that last one to two days. The plant gives blooms even when its just…
    • WEKFabpur
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      • WEKFabpur

      • 300.00
      • Love dark roses? Well, this is one step ahead. Buy for your garden, the fragrant and mesmerizing dark purple shaded WEKFabpur Rose. Also known as Blue Rose, it blooms throughout the season, including during summer. Flowers in abundance. This is rose that looks as magical and mysterious as the time of night it’s named for. Many gardeners add these breathtaking…